Blackstone Private Equity Platform

Market Views: A Note of Optimism

Blackstone President Jon Gray is seeing signs of strength in the economy, which could mean good news for M&A activity this year.

World’s Largest Private Equity Platform1


private equity AUM2


year track record


private equity platform1

Corporate Private Equity

Large-scale, control buyouts of market leading businesses across core global themes


Pursues lower risk, shorter duration private equity returns

Tactical Opportunities

Flexible capital strategy designed to create solutions and take advantage of market dislocations


Invests in Core+ and Core infrastructure assets principally in the U.S.

Life Sciences

Partner with pharmaceutical, biotech and medical technology companies to fund innovative products


Significant minority or majority investments in dynamic, growth-stage businesses

Private Equity Views

Gain insights from our firm’s senior leaders.

Resource Library

Blackstone’s Joe Baratta on Private Equity Dealmaking

Leaders Magazine Q&A with Blackstone’s Viral Patel

Blackstone Wins Asset Manager of the Year (AUM $100B+)*

Essentials of Private Equity

Blackstone Holds PEI 300 Top Spot

WSJ: How Wall Street Lenders Are Betting Big on the AI Boom

WSJ: AI’s Unlikely Benefactor

The Connection: Private Equity in a Changing Landscape

Spotting Trends Early: Easing Inflation

Behind the Build: SPANX

Behind the Build: SPANX

Private Equity: Historical Performance in Context

Note: All figures as of December 31, 2024, unless otherwise indicated.

  1. Private Equity International, as of June 2024, based on capital raised between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2023.
  2. Private equity AUM represents AUM across Blackstone private equity, spanning across Corporate Private Equity, Tactical Opportunities, Growth, Strategic Partners, Life Sciences, and Infrastructure. AUM includes co-investments and Blackstone’s GP and side by side commitments, as applicable.

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