Regional Disclosures and Information
United Kingdom
Blackstone Europe LLP
Blackstone Europe LLP (“BELL”) (formerly known as The Blackstone Group International Partners LLP) is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales under number OC352581 and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) in the United Kingdom (firm reference number 520839). BELL is an indirect subsidiary of Blackstone Inc. (“Blackstone”), a publicly held U.S. investment and advisory firm. BELL acts as a sub-advisor to its Blackstone US affiliates in relation to the investment and re-investment of EMEA based assets of Blackstone funds as well as making arrangements for transactions to be entered into by or on behalf of Blackstone funds. BELL also distributes Blackstone funds in certain EMEA jurisdictions. BELL’s principal place of business is in London and it has a branch in Abu Dhabi Global Market. BELL has its registered office at 40 Berkeley Square, London, W1J 5AL.
Financial Ombudsman Service
If you are an eligible complainant under the FCA Rules, you may be entitled to refer a complaint against BGIP to the Financial Ombudsman Service (“FOS”). Details about FOS are available on its website at: FOS may be contacted by telephone on 0800 023 4567 or on +44 20 7964 0500 (for calls from outside the UK) or by email at [email protected].
Complaints Handling Policy
The Complaints Handling Policy for BELL is available on the link below:
BELL Complaints Handling Policy
MiFID Terms of Business
The terms of business applicable to the provision of certain investment services is available on the link below:
UK Modern Slavery Act
BELL’s UK Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement for the financial year ending 31 March 2024 is available on the link below:
Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement
UK Gender Pay Gap Reports
UK Tax Strategy
Pursuant to UK legislation introduced as part of Schedule 19 of the Finance Act 2016, we are required to publish our UK business’s tax strategy. The tax strategy described in this publication relates to the year ended 31 December 2024 and applies to all UK entities which are consolidated for financial reporting purposes with Blackstone.
Investment Firms Prudential Regime Disclosures (“IFPR”)
BELL’s Investment Firms Prudential Regime disclosures are available on the link below:
Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) Entity Report
BELL’s Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures Entity Report is available on the link below:
BELL Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures Entity Report
Blackstone Ireland Limited
Blackstone Ireland Limited (“BIL”), is authorized as an investment firm under MiFID and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland (“CBI”). BIL’s principal activity is the provision of management and advisory services to certain collateralized loan obligations and sub-advisory services to certain affiliates. BIL, its 100% subsidiary, Blackstone Ireland Fund Management Limited (“BIFM”) are ultimately owned by Blackstone Inc.
European Union Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
The European Union Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”) defines “sustainability risks” as environmental, social or governance events or conditions that, if they occur, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of the investment. Blackstone Ireland Limited (the “firm”) (and/or its delegate) has integrated sustainability risks, as a sub-set of risks generally that could cause an actual or potential material negative impact on the value of an investment, as part of its investment decision-making process for it clients. If appropriate for an investment, the firm (or its delegate) may conduct sustainability risk-related due diligence and/or take steps to mitigate sustainability risks and preserve the value of the investment. Further information on the manner in which sustainability risks are integrated into investment decisions, including any relevant policies, is available to clients upon request from the firm. Notwithstanding the foregoing, sustainability risks will not be relevant to certain non-core activities undertaken by the firm (for example, hedging).
The firm’s remuneration policy takes into account compliance with its policies/procedures related to the integration of sustainability risks in its investment decision making process.
No consideration of adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors
BIL does not consider the principal adverse impacts (“PAIs”) of its investment decisions on sustainability factors within the meaning of Article 4(1)(a) of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”). BIL does not currently do so because BIL provides portfolio management services, which may include investing across a variety of asset classes and there is a lack of consistent, accessible and accurate data available across all such asset classes that would enable BIL to consider PAIs at a reasonable cost to investors.
In particular, certain portfolios may include indirect investments, such as collateralised loan obligations, that make the carrying out of detailed due diligence into PAIs not possible in a way that is reliable and at a reasonable cost to or in the best interests of investors.
BIL considers this a pragmatic and transparent approach to its obligations under SFDR at this time. BIL may re-consider the approach periodically.
Although BIL does not consider the PAIs within the meaning of Article 4(1)(a) SFDR, the PAI regime identifies numerous metrics such as green-house gas emissions, carbon footprint and board gender diversity. Where relevant to a strategy and product, BIL may choose to provide to its investors reporting against similar or certain of these metrics.
Blackstone’s approach to sustainability. Blackstone Inc. (together with its affiliates, “Blackstone”) views sustainability principles as crucial to developing strong, resilient companies that deliver value for our investors and has long sought to lead by example, such as by increasing the use of clean energy across our corporate offices and recruiting and fostering diverse talent through active Employee Resource Groups such as the Women’s Initiative, Diverse Professionals Network, Veterans Network and OUT Blackstone.
Blackstone considers its existing due diligence process and wider sustainability framework (which includes business-specific policies and practices) to be appropriate and proportionate to its activities. We maintain a Sustainability Policy which outlines our approach to integrating sustainability into our investment process. As part of the firmwide policy, we have identified three priority areas that we believe can most affect our ability to build strong companies of enduring value: decarbonization and climate solutions; diversity and inclusion; and good governance. Where appropriate and applicable, our business units also maintain their own individual policies, which are aligned with the firmwide policy and reflect the unique factors applicable to their respective investment strategies. For more information, see the firmwide Sustainability Policy.
Complaints Handling Policy
The Complaints Handling Policy for BIL and BIFM is available on the link below:
Ireland Complaints Handling Policy
BIL RTS-28 Best Execution Reports
BIL MIFID II – RTS 28 Article 3(1) Report – 2022
BIL MIFD II_RTS 28 Article 3(3) Report 2022_Currency Derivatives
BIL MIFD II_RTS 28 Article 3(3) Report 2022_Debt Instruments
BIL MIFD II_RTS 28 Article 3(3) Report 2022_Structured Finance Instruments
BIL MIFID II – RTS 28 Article 3(1) Report – 2021
BIL MIFD II_RTS 28 Article 3(3) Report 2021_Currency Derivatives
BIL MIFD II_RTS 28 Article 3(3) Report 2021_Debt Instruments
BIL MIFD II_RTS 28 Article 3(3) Report 2021_Structured Finance Instruments
Blackstone Ireland Fund Management Limited
BIFM is an approved Alternative Investment Fund Manager under the European Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (the “AIFMD”). BIFM provides investment management functions including portfolio management, risk management, administration, marketing and related activities to its alternative investment funds in accordance with AIFMD and the conditions imposed by the CBI as set out in the CBI’s alternative investment fund rulebook.
European Union Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
The European Union Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”) defines “sustainability risks” as environmental, social or governance events or conditions that, if they occur, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of the investment. BIFM (and/or its delegate) has integrated sustainability risks, as a sub-set of risks generally that could cause an actual or potential material negative impact on the value of an investment, as part of its investment decision-making process for funds. If appropriate for an investment, BIFM (or its delegate) may conduct sustainability risk-related due diligence and/or take steps to mitigate sustainability risks and preserve the value of the investment. Further information on the manner in which sustainability risks are integrated into investment decisions, including any relevant policies, is available to investors upon request from BIFM. Notwithstanding the foregoing, sustainability risks will not be relevant to certain non-core activities undertaken by funds (for example, hedging).
BIFM’s remuneration policy takes into account compliance with its policies/procedures related to the integration of sustainability risks in its investment decision making process.
No consideration of adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors
BIFM does not consider the principal adverse impacts (“PAIs”) of its investment decisions on sustainability factors within the meaning of Article 4(1)(a) of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”). BIFM does not currently do so because BIFM manages a range of different types of investment strategies, across a variety of asset classes and there is a lack of consistent, accessible and accurate data available across all such asset classes that would enable BIFM to consider PAIs at a reasonable cost to investors.
In particular, certain investment strategies, that invest indirectly into underlying assets, such as strategies that permit fund-of-funds or secondaries investments and/or certain investment types, such as collateralised loan obligations make the carrying out of detailed due diligence into PAIs not possible in a way that is reliable and at a reasonable cost to or in the best interests of investors.
BIFM considers this a pragmatic and transparent approach to its obligations under SFDR at this time. BIFM may re-consider the approach periodically.
Although BIFM does not consider the PAIs within the meaning of Article 4(1)(a) SFDR, the PAI regime identifies numerous metrics such as green-house gas emissions, carbon footprint and board gender diversity. Where relevant to a strategy and product, BIFM may choose to provide to its investors reporting against similar or certain of these metrics.
Blackstone’s approach to sustainability. Blackstone Inc. (together with its affiliates, “Blackstone”) views sustainability principles as crucial to developing strong, resilient companies that deliver value for our investors and has long sought to lead by example, such as by increasing the use of clean energy across our corporate offices and recruiting and fostering diverse talent through active Employee Resource Groups such as the Women’s Initiative, Diverse Professionals Network, Veterans Network and OUT Blackstone.
Blackstone considers its existing due diligence process and wider sustainability framework (which includes business-specific policies and practices) to be appropriate and proportionate to its activities. We maintain a Sustainability Policy which outlines our approach to integrating sustainability into our investment process. As part of the firmwide policy, we have identified three priority areas that we believe can most affect our ability to build strong companies of enduring value: decarbonization and climate solutions; diversity and inclusion; and good governance. Where appropriate and applicable, our business units also maintain their own individual Sustainability policies, which are aligned with the firmwide policy and reflect the unique factors applicable to their respective investment strategies. For more information, see the firmwide Sustainability policy..
For further details regarding DCI – SCS Enhanced High Yield Corporate Credit Fund and DCI – SCS Enhanced High Yield Corporate Credit Feeder Fund please refer to
DFE Group Pillar 3 Disclosure
The Pillar 3 disclosure for the DFE Group is available on the link below:
DFE Group – Pillar 3 disclosure
Shareholders Rights Directive II Disclosure
Article 3(g) of Directive 2007/36/EC as amended by Directive (EU) 2017/828 (together with the relevant national implementing regulations, the “SRD”) requires asset managers to adopt on a “comply or explain” basis an engagement policy describing how an asset manager integrates in its investment strategy shareholder engagement relating to companies that have a registered office in the EU and are listed on EU regulated markets (“EU investee companies”). BIL and BIFM are asset managers for the purposes of the SRD. Neither asset manager actively invests as a material part of its investment strategy in the shares of EU investee companies. Generally, shares in EU investee companies are expected to be held as an investment ancillary to, or as a result of, a credit investment. On this basis, each asset manager has determined that it is not appropriate to adopt an engagement policy for the purposes of the SRD. However, you may wish to refer to Part 2A of the Form ADV applicable to the asset managers and certain of their affiliates which provides an overview of their business, certain practices of the asset managers, potential material conflicts that may arise and key potential investment risks:
Blackstone Europe Fund Management S.à r.l.
Blackstone Europe Fund Management S.à r.l. (“BEFM”) is an approved Alternative Investment Fund Manager (“AIFM”) under AIFMD and a UCITS management company under the UCITS Directive. To its alternative investment funds, BEFM provides investment management functions including portfolio management, risk management, administration, marketing and related activities in accordance with AIFMD and the conditions imposed by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (“CSSF”). Under its AIFM license, BEFM is also authorized to provide the services of (a) management of portfolios of investments on a discretionary client-by-client basis, (b) investment advice and (c) reception and transmission of orders in relation to financial instruments in accordance with AIFMD, applicable MiFID rules and the conditions imposed by the CSSF.
To its UCITS, BEFM provides portfolio management, administration and marketing functions in accordance with the UCITS Directive and the conditions imposed by the CSSF. Under its UCITS license, BEFM is also authorized to provide the services of (a) management of portfolios of investments on a discretionary client-by-client basis and (b) investment advice in accordance with the UCITS Directive, applicable MiFID rules and the conditions imposed by the CSSF.
BEFM may rely on some of these services to promote Blackstone funds to professional clients as defined under MiFID in certain EEA countries.
European Union Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
The European Union Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”) defines “sustainability risks” as environmental, social or governance events or conditions that, if they occur, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of the investment. BEFM (and/or its delegate) has integrated sustainability risks, as a sub-set of risks generally that could cause an actual or potential material negative impact on the value of an investment, as part of its investment decision-making process for funds. If appropriate for an investment, BEFM (or its delegate) may conduct sustainability risk-related due diligence and/or take steps to mitigate sustainability risks and preserve the value of the investment. Further information on the manner in which sustainability risks are integrated into investment decisions, including any relevant policies, is available to investors at BEFM’s registered office. Notwithstanding the foregoing, sustainability risks will not be relevant to certain non-core activities undertaken by funds (for example, hedging).
BEFM’s remuneration policy takes into account compliance with its policies/procedures related to the integration of sustainability risks in its investment decision making process.
No consideration of adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors
BEFM does not consider the principal adverse impacts (“PAIs”) of its investment decisions on sustainability factors within the meaning of Article 4(1)(a) of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”). BEFM does not currently do so because BEFM manages a range of different types of investment strategies, across a variety of asset classes and there is a lack of consistent, accessible and accurate data available across all such asset classes that would enable BEFM to consider PAIs at a reasonable cost to investors.
In particular, certain investment strategies, that invest indirectly into underlying assets, such as strategies that permit fund-of-funds or secondaries investments and/or certain investment types, such as collateralised loan obligations make the carrying out of detailed due diligence into PAIs not possible in a way that is reliable and at a reasonable cost to or in the best interests of investors.
BEFM considers this a pragmatic and transparent approach to its obligations under SFDR at this time. BEFM may re-consider the approach periodically.
Although BEFM does not consider the PAIs within the meaning of Article 4(1)(a) SFDR, the PAI regime identifies numerous metrics such as green-house gas emissions, carbon footprint and board gender diversity. Where relevant to a strategy and product, BEFM may choose to provide to its investors reporting against similar or certain of these metrics.
Blackstone’s approach to sustainability. Blackstone Inc. (together with its affiliates, “Blackstone”) views sustainability principles as crucial to developing strong, resilient companies that deliver value for our investors and has long sought to lead by example, such as by increasing the use of clean energy across our corporate offices and recruiting and fostering diverse talent through active Employee Resource Groups networks such as the Women’s Initiative, Diverse Professionals Network, Veterans Network and OUT Blackstone.
Blackstone considers its existing due diligence process and wider sustainability framework to be appropriate and proportionate to its investment strategy, and that of the underlying products. We maintain a Sustainability Policy which governs our approach to integrating sustainability into our investment process. As part of the firmwide policy, we have identified three priority areas that we believe can most affect our ability to build strong companies of enduring value: climate change mitigation, resilience and adaption; diversity and inclusion and good governance. Blackstone’s policy sets out how these areas are integrated into our investment decisions. Where appropriate, our business units also maintain their own individual policies, which are aligned with the firmwide policy and reflect the unique factors applicable to their respective investment strategies. For more information, see the firmwide Sustainability Policy.
Website disclosures are required for certain products under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and these can be found at and
BEFM – Best Execution Policy
A summary of the Best Execution Policy for BEFM is available on the link below:
Complaints Handling Policy
A summary of the Complaints Handling Policy for BEFM is available on the link below:
MiFID Terms of Business
The terms of business applicable to the provision of certain investment services is available on the link below:
Proxy Voting Policy
BEFM fully delegates the portfolio management function to affiliates of The Blackstone Group Inc. (each a “Delegate”). BEFM deems that the Delegates are, in general, in the best position to exercise voting authority attached to relevant securities held by investment funds and accounts managed by a Delegate (each such fund or account, a “client”) and have access to appropriate information to do so. For this reason, BEFM’s operating model is to mandate the exercise of such voting authority to the Delegates.
BEFM will ensure that Delegates endeavor to identify any conflicts that exist between the Delegates and their clients. If a material conflict exists, each Delegate will determine the appropriate course of action that it believes is in the best interests of the clients in accordance with their governing policies and procedures.
Determinations on how to vote proxies will depend largely on the subject matter at issue and will be done, in the absence of specific voting guidelines from a client, in the best interests of the client.
Delegates generally vote in favor of routine proposals from management, including election of directors, selection of independent auditors and approval of financial statements, unless special circumstances (such as corporate governance issues) arise.
Delegates may engage the services of a proxy advisory firm to make recommendations to the Delegates on the voting of proxies based on established guidelines and practices. In such circumstances, Delegates will generally vote proxies in accordance with the proxy advisor’s recommendations, unless they believe that not doing so is in the best interests of their clients.
Further details on the voting right strategies of Delegates are available at the registered office of BEFM. Details on the actions taken on the basis of those strategies will be made available to investors upon request.
RTS-28 Best Execution Reports
BEFM – MIFD II – RTS 28 Article 3 – Report FY2021
BEFM – MIFD II – RTS 28 Article 3 – Report FY2022
Shareholders Rights Directive II Disclosure
Article 3(g) of Directive 2007/36/EC as amended by Directive (EU) 2017/828 (together with the relevant national implementing regulations, the “SRD II”) requires asset managers to adopt on a “comply or explain” basis an engagement policy describing how an asset manager integrates in its investment strategy shareholder engagement relating to companies which have their registered office in the EU and the shares of which are admitted to trading on an EU regulated market.
Although BEFM encourages long-term shareholder engagement and enhanced transparency between shareholders and its portfolio companies, it has not adopted an engagement policy pursuant to SRD II. BEFM (or its delegate) does not predominantly invest in equity securities of EU listed issuers. Where our investment strategies allow us to invest in equity holdings, any acquisition of shares of EU listed companies is generally residual and, as the case may be, short-term opportunistic.
As part of the investment process, BEFM (or its delegate) will exercise voting rights in investee companies as well as manage related conflicts of interest in accordance with existing policies. In view of its investment strategies and portfolios, BEFM considers that this approach remains in line with the objectives of SRD II. BEFM will periodically assess whether it becomes relevant for it to adopt an engagement policy and will update this disclosure accordingly.
Key Information Documents (KIDs)
The KIDs in respect of the packaged retail investment products managed by BEFM are available on the links below:
Canada Modern Slavery Act
2023 Annual Report