Juergen Pinker is a Senior Managing Director in the Private Equity Group. Mr. Pinker is the Head of Private Equity for Blackstone in Germany. In addition, Mr. Pinker focuses on the Industrials sector and leads Blackstone’s investment activities in the Energy Transition sector in Europe.
Since joining Blackstone in 2011, Mr. Pinker has been involved in the execution of Blackstone’s investments in Intertrust, ATC, Elian, Scout24, Armacell, Cerdia, Schenck Process, Stow Group (aka Averys), BME Group, Desotec, Huws Gray, Array Technologies Inc. and Enstall (formerly known as Esdec Solar Group).
Before joining Blackstone, Mr. Pinker worked as a Director at Strategic Value Partners focusing on European distressed situations. Before that, Mr. Pinker was an Associate Director at The Carlyle Group where he was involved in leading and executing investments in various sectors.
Mr. Pinker is a Trustee and Member of the Finance Committee of FareShare.
Mr. Pinker received a Master's degree in economics and business from WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management. Mr. Pinker currently serves on the Board of Directors of Cerdia, Schenck Process, Stow Group, BME Group, Desotec, Huws Gray and Enstall (formerly known as Esdec Solar Group).